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1. 10 Tools For Growing Weed That You Might Not Know About

Whether you are an enthusiastic cannabis producer and happen to be looking for helpful equipment, check out these cool tools for growing weed. With the help of these well-designed gadgets, growing some first-class cannabis won’t be challenging! Here’s a list of ten very cool and particularly useful gadgets that you might not know about:

Cool cannabis growing tools

Plant yo-yos

Plant yo-yos (plant supports) are one of those tools that you wouldn’t think of until someone offered them to you. Plant yo-yos enable the top of the grow tent to support the weight of your cannabis buds. Some extensively trained cannabis plants (for example, manifolding) can generate lengthy colas that are so hefty that they topple over. When this happens, you can support them from above using thread or wire, but it’s untidy and unpleasant. Plant yo-yos employ a little plastic hook to delicately hold onto a portion of the stem, allowing the plant to be supported while touching as few buds as possible. Also, they extend and retract using a spring, so regulating them once fitted at the top of the grow tent takes only a few seconds.

Snowboarding or ski goggles

Growers can choose from a variety of eye protection options these days. Years ago, growers began using Method-7 glasses (a variant for HPS, blurple LEDs, or full-spectrum LEDs). Later, they tried the comparable but much less expensive Apollo Horticulture spectacles (MH/HPS and LED versions). Nowadays, they utilize snowboarding or ski goggles since they are comfy, cover your complete eye area, and block 100% of UV rays, which is useful when growing with high-UV lights such as MH and LECs.

Remember that they are mostly for eye protection. If you want to correct the yellow light from an HPS or the purple/red light from some LED types, you’ll need the relevant set of glasses (mentioned above). Other types of lights, such as LEDs and LECs, look “full color.” Because these don’t require as much color adjustment, specialist glasses are optional. Snowboarding goggles will give excellent protection while being pleasant to use, whether growing with T5s, LECs, or mostly-white LEDs. Also, they look cool!

Rope ratchets

Rope ratchets are self-locking pulleys that help you move your grow lights 100 times easier. Instead of having to untie the rope, reposition your light, and re-tie the rope in the new location (all while potentially losing equipment), you may make moderate or big height adjustments with little to no effort. Also, you can use them to move heavy items such as carbon filters rather than attempting to lift them myself. Rope ratchets should be hung from the tent’s top bars.

Hang your grow lights, carbon filter, or anything else that is difficult or heavy to carry or move up and down. Carbon filters (used to eliminate odors) are unexpectedly bulky and hefty. However, rope ratchets allow you to lift them from the floor one click at a time. Furthermore, rope ratchets are a must-have for every grow setup and outperforms the all-too-common metal chain or plain rope in terms of performance and ease of usage.

Plant twist tie

Twist ties were once used to seal trash bags in the United States; however, they are now used for almost anything except sealing garbage bags! Twist ties are a welcome guest when it comes to growing cannabis indoors, and they are one of the simplest and most efficient tools available for LST (low-stress training) and other techniques of cannabis training. Plant twist ties are excellent for training immature cannabis plants and fresh growth on mature plants.

Twist ties can cause stem injury if twisted on too tightly. Avoid wrapping twisted ties around and around a branch to fasten them. Wrapping the twist tie gently is superior since it will snap off before it starts “choking” the stems. Don’t twist them on too often, or they will “choke” your cannabis plants! Wrap the twist tie around the stems like a hook and secure the other side of your container.

What to attach the plant twist ties to?

There is frequently a “lip” in hard-sided pots where you may hook the twist-tie. Hooking to the edges of net pots or the lip around the edge is recommended by specialists in DWC or hydro. Whatever you do, ensure it’s directly linked to the lid (rather than the floor or a tent pole) so you can quickly pull the cover on and off without disturbing the plants. Hair clips work well on short stems but will fall off as the plants become stronger.

Additionally, binder clips, which are more durable but can still pop off, are used by certain growers. Another alternative is to use safety pins, which work well and will not fall off but rust with time. If you’ve got fabric pots, a quick and easy method is to puncture a hole with pointed scissors and thread through it. Once you’ve constructed it, You can connect your twist tie to a hole. Finally, you will maximize yields by growing wide and flat plants!

Pre-made ScrOG net for grow tents

If you wanted to manage the height of your cannabis plants and support large buds, you had to make your net or screen (known as Screen of Green or ScrOG). However, smart gardeners devised the concept of pre-made ScrOG nets that connect straight to the poles of your grow tent. These make installing and adjusting a net as your plants develop quite simple. They’re also inexpensive! A flexible ScrOG net to aid in developing a broad, flat canopy. Growers utilize them in their grow tents to assist them in getting control of their plants and developing them flat and broad so they can produce a lot of buds.


Cannabis is a resilient plant that can recover from much stress and injury. However, this can work against growers since a broken stem that needs to be properly set will recover in the position it is left in. In such cases, a grower may lose the top half of a broken stem that could have been salvaged by using a tape. Enough tape is required to hold the stem in place until it can recover. The tape is a temporary splint or cast that holds the stem while it heals. The most common types of tape that function great are duct tape, electrical tape, and painters/masking tape.


Pipettes are handy for collecting a small amount of water. If you’re having problems getting water into the supplied test tube while measuring pH using a ‘drop kit,’ this is the instrument for you. Pipettes are inexpensive, so you can stock up once and have plenty for several growths. Most cannabis farmers regard them as a low-cost alternative to the blunt-tip syringe.

The LED loupe light

Harvest season might be difficult for an inexperienced cannabis producer. How do you tell when to cut and dry when harvest season arrives? Professionals rely on expertise, but a 30x/60x LED lit magnifier will come in handy if this is your first or second grow. Having a magnifying glass or, even better, one of the LED loupes on hand simplifies examining trichomes. Using the magnifying lens, you can examine how far the hairs and resin have progressed in the fresh bloom. Daily flower growth inspections with this little portable tool will greatly impact the quality of your ultimate yield.

Zip ties or velcro straps

Keep your grow tent’s ropes from becoming a rat’s nest! Velcro straps and zip ties are great for bundling your cords and keeping a bundle of cords out of the way. Zip ties are easier to use but more difficult to remove afterward; Velcro straps are the inverse, being more difficult to put on but much easy to remove when needed. Chip clips may be a perfect alternative if you have enough of them. Larger zip ties can support large goods such as carbon filters. Velcro straps and smaller zip ties are ideal for cord bundling since they are simple to put on and take off.

Industrial blunt-tip syringe

 A cannabis farmer can benefit greatly from using an industrial syringe (printer refill syringe). They ensure you use the correct amounts of whatever liquid you’re measuring and make liquids easy to dispense. Syringes are more precise than spoons for measuring nutrients in milliliters (for nutrient schedules that utilize the metric system). Furthermore, it is more difficult to spill nutrients all over the floor! However, it is critical to remember that industrial syringes are not needles; they are referred to as “blunt tip” syringes since they are not sharp.

Just because you’re growing at home doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality. Small changes made throughout each grow, including one or more of the ten key grow room gear, can assist in yielding a very potent product. Although commercial cultivators would have you believe differently, it is about something other than big infrastructural investments. Sometimes basic and inexpensive remedies can have a comparable impact. You shouldn’t have to spend a fortune to upgrade your grow room.

Picture of Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford’s impact on cannabis growing is undeniable. Though he tends to focus primarily on 2 areas, plant training techniques and dealing with disease, pests, and other problems, he has offered many insights into how cannabis plants live and grow. That’s not to say that Ed is unfamiliar with the complete life cycle of cannabis, from seed to harvest, but he uses his widespread knowledge to hone in on the minutia and niche areas of growing cannabis. Ed’s goal is to spread knowledge and allow for everyone to become better growers. 𝕏

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