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1. How to Increase Trichome Production

There is no secret pill for increasing trichome production; instead, a mixture of multiple elements is required. Genetics, a favorable growing environment, adequate full-spectrum lighting, and the application of high-quality nutrients at the appropriate time will result in more resinous buds. If you want to get more trichomes, you should do whatever it takes to increase trichome production. When your growing environment isn’t ideal, you can enhance your yield by increasing trichomes. If you grow in pleasant conditions, your plant will be able to grow to its full potential, and in this case, it will be entirely dependent on genetics.

Trichome phases

It makes no difference if you’re having difficulty increasing trichome production or if your plant is exceptionally frosty; all trichomes go through several trichome phases, which are as follows:


Since they’re not yet packed with cannabinoids and terpenes, “young” trichomes are clear.

Milky or cloudy

As your cannabis plant develops, it produces chemical compounds, causing the trichomes to become cloudy or milky. When most of the trichomes are cloudy, they’re almost ready to be harvested.


Trichomes oxidize as they are exposed to oxygen, heat, and light, causing them to turn amber. When cannabinoids are subjected to the environment, they transform into CBN. Amber trichomes on cannabis offer a more constable high due to the higher CBN content, so if you’re not looking for this impact, harvest when most trichomes are cloudy.

Using plant training techniques

Plant training is classified into low-stress training (LST) and high-stress training (HST). A popular example of HST is supercropping. They are helpful measures for increasing trichome production and overall flower quality. They include training your plants by force applied. You can do this by tying down the branches or cutting the plant in very particular locations, to obtain a particular size or structure that allows for better airflow and deeper light penetration. This enables you to make excellent use of our grow space, particularly the lights and fans, and avoid wasting electricity.

Proper lighting

The most effective strategy to improve trichome output is through proper lighting. As you may be aware, cannabis generates trichomes to safeguard the plant from UV rays; therefore, the more light and spectrums you provide your plant, the more resin it will generate. Good lighting will enable your plant to grow to its full potential (the increased trichome production is a consequence). Not everybody can deliver the best lights available, so make sure you provide the best quality lights you can.

Using plant supplements

Several supplements are designed to increase trichome and terpene production; while they won’t perform miracles, they will offer more of the nutrients your plant requires in the final weeks of flowering. Some plants require more nutrients than others, and what nutrient brands offer is not always sufficient. Supplements could provide a more targeted mix of macro and micronutrients during the final weeks of flowering when the plant produces more trichomes.

Modify the environment for each growing phases

Temperature and humidity have a positive impact on the growth of cannabis flowers. The plant will suffer if the levels are not optimal. When we get the conditions right, the opposite is true. It is possible to increase trichome production by adjusting the temperature and humidity to create stress, causing the plant to generate more as a defense mechanism. During the last two weeks of flowering, nighttime temperatures can gradually drop to as low as 15-16°C or even lower in some cases (mimicking the arrival of winter). Maintain a daytime temperature of less than 25°C. You can also reduce the relative humidity to around 35-40%. If the humidity rises too much when the temperatures are this low, the possibility of mold increases, so it’s nice to keep it low.

Light deprivation

Typically, light dep cannabis is a technique used to induce early flowering. Giving plants less than 12 hours of light during the vegetative phase will fool them into thinking it’s time to bloom. If you want to increase trichome production, you can use light deprivation near the end of the flowering phase. This is possible for indoor grow rooms and outdoor grows that use scaffolding, tents, or other structures to create dark conditions during the day. Many growers will employ the light dep technique for two or more days before harvest.


Obtaining trichome-stacked blossoms is an adventure that starts with correct genetics. Specific cannabis genotypes have elevated trichome concentrations than others. The only way to lay a good base for decent trichome output is through selective breeding and the procurement of genetics that express favorable yield variations. Find a steady mother to take cuttings from when breeding sinsemilla for resin production. That mother can then be cut using asexual propagation, and the cuts can be used to grow plants with high trichome yields.

Caring for your cannabis trichomes

‘Enhancing’ trichomes necessitates some forethought, which means we must plan ahead of time to ensure that the growth’s duration and outcome see healthy trichome development.

cannabis trichome production

Regard the strains you grow, how you handle the plants, and when to harvest them for full content.


Some strains typically produce more resin than others. Remember that each strain has different environmental preferences and will produce more or fewer trichomes depending on the circumstances.


It is critical to limit the amount of time we handle cannabis plants, both wet and dry. Trichomes are damaged or removed every time we touch the flowers.

Harvest period

The color of trichomes can help us determine when the cannabinoid content is at its peak. If we wait too long, trichome production will have ceased, and they will begin to degrade.

There are ways to make resin-producing decisions at every stage of the growing cycle. Embracing some of these trichome farming practices is crucial for those searching for effective, trichome-stacked flowers. Trichomes’ preservation and proliferation are dependent on how they are treated during the growing and harvesting processes. Adopting the trichome preservation philosophy is critical for maximizing resin production and preservation.

Picture of Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford’s impact on cannabis growing is undeniable. Though he tends to focus primarily on 2 areas, plant training techniques and dealing with disease, pests, and other problems, he has offered many insights into how cannabis plants live and grow. That’s not to say that Ed is unfamiliar with the complete life cycle of cannabis, from seed to harvest, but he uses his widespread knowledge to hone in on the minutia and niche areas of growing cannabis. Ed’s goal is to spread knowledge and allow for everyone to become better growers. 𝕏

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