Free GMO Cookies seeds on orders over $150

3 seeds
6 seeds
12 seeds
24 seeds

Cultivar Profile

Additional information


Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool

Strain Type





30 in – 78 in

Yield (g/m²)


Flowering Time

8 – 9 weeks

Harvest Month


Pack Size

3, 6, 12, 24


Premium Cultivars

Seed Type


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The History of Atomic Apple Seeds

The Alien Labs are responsible for creating the original Atomic Apple but these are very much Premium Cultivars own Atomic Apple seeds, which combined two genetically strong strains to make this award-winning strain.

Atomic Apple Seeds’ Genetic Journey

Atomic Apple is an Indica-dominant hybrid (80% Indica / 20% Sativa) that was made by crossing two potent strains, Apple Fritter and Triangle Mints.

How to Germinate Atomic Apple Seeds

Germination is an essential step in growing high-quality atomic apple plants. Below is a 9-step guide to help you grow healthy seedlings:

  1. Gather the necessary materials, including atomic Apple strain seeds, a clean plate or shallow dish, paper towels, filtered or distilled water, and a small spray bottle. Clean your workspace to avoid pollutants that could harm seeds during germination.
  2. Choose a good seed-germinating spot and set it up. A clean, well-lit, draft-free, and cool area is recommended. A temperature-controlled, stable atmosphere is ideal for germination.
  3. Dampen two or three paper towels with purified or distilled water. Ensure the paper towels are damp but not soaked. Wring away excess water gently to avoid waterlogging the seeds and hindering germination.
  4. Carefully place the Atomic Apple seeds on one-half of the moist paper towel. Space the seeds apart to prevent them from sticking together during germination. Each seed receives enough moisture and germinates evenly with proper spacing.
  5. Gently fold the second half of the paper towel over the seeds. Press lightly to make sure the seeds touch the moist paper towel. The coating retains moisture and promotes germination while preventing seed drying.
  6. After covering the seeds with a moist paper towel, carefully move them to a clean plate or shallow dish. A stable surface will prevent germination disturbances. Clean the plate of remains that could harm seeds.
  7. Monitor the paper towel’s moisture levels regularly to ensure it stays sufficiently moist. Spray the paper towel with water with a spray bottle if it dries out. Germination requires a consistent level of moisture. Keep the plate warm, ideally 70-80°F, to speed up and even out germination.
  8. Wait for germination. Seed quality and environment affect germination time. Seeds of the Atomic Apple strain usually germinate after a week. The emergence of a small taproot from the seeds indicates sprouting.
  9. Afterward, transplant seeds into your growing medium. Handle germinated seeds gently to avoid damaging the delicate root system. Create a seedling-friendly growing medium with optimum lighting, humidity, and ventilation.

Why are Feminized Seeds Better than Regs?

Feminized seeds are gaining popularity in the cannabis production community for their practical advantages over ordinary seeds.

  1. Feminized seeds guarantee the growth of only female cannabis plants. It is beneficial since female plants produce valuable blossoms with the highest concentration of cannabinoids and are usually collected for use. Feminized seeds simplify the cultivation process and optimize the potential production of useful flowers by removing male plants, which do not produce blooms and can reduce the quality of the final harvest through pollination.
  2. Cannabis production often necessitates a considerable amount of room, whether indoors or outdoors, to optimize efficiency and space utilization. Feminized seeds allow growers to bypass the need to germinate and cultivate numerous seeds to guarantee an adequate quantity of female plants. This efficiency conserves time, space, and resources, enabling growers to concentrate their efforts and resources on cultivating a harvest consisting solely of female plants. This maximizes the productivity per square foot of growth area.
  3. Feminized seeds are created to display similar genetic traits and growth characteristics. Consistent traits enable growers to predict flowering timing, plant size, and overall vigor, resulting in a more uniform crop. Feminized seeds are dependable for ensuring a regular supply of cannabis plants with desired development patterns and features, whether for commercial or personal cultivation.
  4. These seeds reduce pollination risk. Male cannabis plants can jeopardize the quality and potency of a harvest by pollinating female flowers, resulting in seed development instead of high-quality buds. Seeding out reduces the quality and market value of the harvested bloom. Growers can eliminate the chance of pollination and produce seedless, high-quality buds by using feminized seeds.
  5. Cultivating feminized seeds is basic and simple, making them ideal for beginners and those looking for an uncomplicated growing process. Cultivators may focus on providing optimal growing conditions and nurturing healthy, prolific female plants without the need to monitor for male plants or remove them from the garden. Feminized seeds’ accessibility appeals to producers of varying expertise levels.

Growing Atomic Apple Seeds

Should I Grow Atomic Apple Seeds Indoors or Outdoors?

The decision to cultivate Atomic Apple seeds indoors or outdoors depends on available space, climate, and control over environmental conditions. Indoor production provides enhanced control over variables like temperature, humidity, and illumination, which is advantageous for producers aiming for accuracy and uniformity. Outdoor cultivation might attract growers with plenty of room and acceptable environmental conditions. Atomic Apple plants can flourish outside, thriving in natural sunlight and fresh air.

Growing Atomic Apple Indoors

Indoor-grown Atomic Apple plants usually grow to a moderate height of 2 to 4 feet. During the flowering phase, often starting 8 to 10 weeks after transitioning to a 12/12 light cycle, buds grow thickly and are coated with resin-filled trichomes. Optimal timing of harvesting guarantees a bountiful crop of robust and tasty buds, usually yielding between 1.5 to 2.5 ounces per square foot of growing area.


Below are the upsides of growing your cannabis plants indoors:

  1. Indoor cultivation allows you to regulate temperature, humidity, and light intensity. This control optimizes plant growth and reduces stress-related concerns, including mold and nutritional deficits.
  2. Indoor gardening allows year-round cultivation regardless of season. Growers can start and manage blooming with a constant light cycle, assuring a stable supply of Atomic Apple buds year-round.
  3. Growing Atomic Apple indoors decreases pest and disease risks. Clean and controlled growth environments reduce pests and pathogens, protecting plants and yields.
  4. Indoor cultivation allows you to have at least more than one harvest in a year. Also, you can grow your atomic apple plants any time of the year.

Any drawbacks of growing atomic apple seeds indoors?

  1. Grow lights, ventilation systems, grow tents or rooms, and other supplies can be expensive for an indoor grow operation. The upfront fees can be exorbitant for some growers, especially those with limited budgets or experience.
  2. Indoor growth uses more energy than outdoor or greenhouse growth due to artificial lighting, ventilation, and climate control. Increased energy demand can raise utility bills, increase growth operation costs, and perhaps affect its environmental footprint.
  3. Although growers can prevent mold, mildew, and vermin through good interior air circulation and ventilation, airflow might be difficult when the grow room or tent is full of plants. Sitting air, high humidity, and plant diseases can result from poor ventilation.

Growing Atomic Apple Seeds Outdoors

Under ideal conditions, Atomic Apple plants grown outdoors can reach 4 to 6 feet or taller, with thick stems and branches supporting dense foliage and copious bud formation. Atomic Apple buds are harvested outdoors in late September to early October, depending on climate and location.


  1. Atomic Apple plants thrive well outdoors in natural sunlight. Natural sunshine can boost plant vigor and vitality, increasing yields and health.
  2. Outdoor growing doesn’t require artificial lighting, ventilation, or other interior equipment, lowering operational expenses.
  3. Outdoor Atomic Apple plants can yield more than indoor plants with enough space and sunlight. Outdoor plants can reach their genetic potential by growing taller and having deeper root systems, which increases bud output. Growers can scale up production and gather abundant Atomic Apple buds by growing in larger outdoor areas.


  1. Outdoor cultivation is greatly affected by weather, which can be unpredictable. Heavy rain, high winds, and early frosts can harm crops, reducing yield and quality.
  2. Outdoor cannabis is more sensitive to pests and diseases than indoor cannabis. Atomic Apple plants are exposed to more insects, fungi, and germs outside enclosed grow rooms. Pesticides and other chemical treatments can harm the environment and human health if not used properly.
  3. Although outdoor cultivation uses natural sunlight and fresh air, farmers have limited control over temperature, humidity, and light intensity. Environmental changes can affect plant growth, yield, and quality.

The Best Grow Medium for Atomic Apple Seeds

The optimal grow medium for Atomic Apple seeds varies depending on personal preference, experience, and growing goals. Soil, which is natural and nutrient-rich, is a popular choice for cannabis plants. Organic soil boosts microbial activity and nutrient intake, keeping Atomic Apple plants healthy. Hydroponic systems provide precise fertilizer and water management in a soilless growth medium. Hydroponics delivers highly soluble nutrients directly to roots, accelerating plant development and yields.

The Best Climate for Atomic Apple Seeds

Atomic Apple seeds thrive in warm, temperate climates with regular sunlight and moderate humidity. These seeds grow best in daytime temperatures between 70°F and 85°F  during vegetative growth. Warmer temperatures boost photosynthesis and leaf growth. As the plants enter flowering, slightly cooler temperatures of 65°F to 80°F encourage thick, resinous buds. During the growing cycle, you can increase your harvest by maintaining moderate humidity levels between 40% and 60%.

Problems to Look Out For When Growing Atomic Apple Seeds

While growing, Atomic Apple plants might develop nutrient shortages that affect their health. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and micronutrient shortages can cause yellowing, stunted growth, or aberrant leaf discoloration. Insects and pests can destroy Atomic Apple leaves, blooms, and buds. Spider mites, aphids, thrips, and caterpillars can diminish cannabis plant vigor and productivity if left unchecked. Maintaining plant health and harvesting Atomic Apple buds requires monitoring for illnesses like white powdery mildew, tobacco mosaic virus, mold, and fungal infections.

How Difficult is it to Grow Atomic Apple Seeds?

Are Atomic Apple Seeds Suitable for Beginners?

Beginners may find growing Atomic Apple seed growth moderately difficult. Novice growers may struggle with environmental conditions, nutrient deficits, pest infestations, and flowering management. However, novices can successfully produce Atomic Apple seeds and reap the rewards of a satisfying harvest with the right research, attention to detail, and desire to learn.

How Much Do Atomic Apple Seeds Yield?

Atomic Apple seed yield depends on growth circumstances, culture methods, and grower expertise. These seeds often give moderate to high cannabis flower yields. Indoor growers often generate 1.5–2.5 ounces per square foot. Individual plants can provide several ounces to over a pound of dried flower outdoors, depending on plant size, environmental circumstances, and cultivation procedures.

How to Get Better Yields from Your Atomic Apple Seeds

You can improve Atomic Apple seed yields using appropriate growing methods. Set up optimal growing conditions with enough light, ventilation, and nutrient-rich media. Try topping, low-stress training (LST), or Screen of Green (SCROG) to encourage lateral growth and increase budding sites. Maintain appropriate plant spacing to minimize overcrowding and improve ventilation, which can prevent mold and mildew. These methods and careful care can boost yields and maximize Atomic Apple seed potential.

The Best Grow Techniques for Atomic Apple

These three growth techniques can help you produce healthy plants with higher yields:

Low-Stress Training (LST)

LST is a gentle and effective way to regulate cannabis plant form and growth, especially during vegetative stages. Growers can promote horizontal development and an even canopy by carefully bending and fastening plant branches. This method is ideal for Atomic Apple plants, which grow vertically. LST spreads the branches to give each bud site enough light and ventilation, resulting in more uniform development and larger yields. LST improves canopy ventilation, reducing bud rot and other moisture concerns.

Begin by gently bending the plant branches away from the center and fastening them with soft ties or plant training clips. Gradually move the branches to promote horizontal growth and minimize overcrowding. To maintain a uniform canopy, check and adjust branch positioning as the plant grows. LST helps gardeners maintain Atomic Apple plant height and form during the vegetative stage, resulting in increased harvest yields of excellent buds.


The Screen of Green (SCROG) approach is popular for maximizing yields and light distribution in cannabis plants. SCROG includes training branches to grow horizontally through a screen or trellis above the plant canopy. Branch spacing is even as they grow through the screen, creating a flat canopy. Atomic Apple plants benefit from this method because it maximizes light use and exposes each bud site. SCROG can reduce light burn and promote canopy-wide bud growth by distributing light more evenly.

Install a robust screen or trellis above the plant canopy to support the branches to start the SCROG process. To achieve a flat canopy, carefully weave the branches through the screen as they grow. Monitor plant growth and modify branch positions to maintain a uniform canopy. Growers may regulate Atomic Apple plant height and form during the vegetative and early blooming stages with SCROG, resulting in increased harvest yields of excellent buds.


This pruning and training method removes inferior branches and directs energy to the main cola. Main lining promotes large, packed buds and reduces vegetative growth by concentrating plant resources on a dominant cola. This method helps Atomic Apple plants maximize yields and generate top-notch buds. Main lining directs energy to productive bud sites, creating a uniform canopy and improving bud quality.

Start main-lining with a strong, vigorous plant with several branches. Leave only the main stem and a few branches after carefully removing the lower branches and growth tips with sharp pruning scissors. Next, evenly space the nodes along the main stem so they can all grow into prominent colas. To maintain an equal canopy and promote bud development, trim and train the branches as the plant grows. During the vegetative stage, the main lining helps producers regulate Atomic Apple plant height and form, increasing harvest yields of excellent buds.

What does an Atomic Apple plant look like?

An Atomic Apple plant has thick and vivid foliage that conveys a sense of vigor and health, featuring deep green tones mixed with purple and flaming orange hues. The leaves are wide and have jagged edges, reflecting sunlight with a glossy finish that enhances their beauty. Every flower sparkles with a crystalline layer of trichomes.

Where Can I Buy Atomic Apple Seeds?

If you’re looking for premium Atomic Apple seeds, look no further than Premium Cultivars. Visit the website, order your Atomic Apple auto seeds, and wait to receive them at your doorstep. If you can’t get enough of the apple attributes on display here, why not check out Apple Tartz seeds.

How do I Buy Atomic Apple Seeds?

Premium Cultivars supplies high-quality Atomic Apple seeds to consumers in the USA, where marijuana is legal. First, register on the official website, browse the wide cannabis seed catalog, find Atomic Apple seeds, and select your desired pack size—3, 6, 12, 24, or bulk. Premium Cultivars’ major debit and credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, are used as payment methods. This seed bank offers complimentary shipping for cannabis seed purchases over $100 to all customers in the USA.

Additional information


Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool

Strain Type





30 in – 78 in

Yield (g/m²)


Flowering Time

8 – 9 weeks

Harvest Month


Pack Size

3, 6, 12, 24


Premium Cultivars

Seed Type


21 reviews for Atomic Apple

5.0 Rating
1-21 of 21 reviews
  1. Explosive strain with a fruity twist. Energizing effects perfect for daytime use.

  2. Impressed by the seed quality and strain variety. Seeds germinated well and grew into strong, healthy plants. Fast, efficient shipping and helpful customer service. Highly recommend.

  3. Super happy with my purchase from this seed bank. High-quality seeds that germinated quickly, resulting in strong, healthy plants. Fast and reliable shipping, and knowledgeable customer service.

  4. Recently ordered and was impressed by the whole experience. Knowledgeable, helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  5. Fantastic experience from start to finish. Highly recommend this seed bank.

  6. My plants are thriving thanks to the top-quality seeds and speedy delivery. Superb customer service too.

  7. Healthy plants thanks to high-quality seeds and top-notch customer service.

  8. Impressed by the fast, efficient shipping and exceptional seed quality.

  9. First purchase and thoroughly impressed. Helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  10. Reliable shipping and well-germinating seeds, leading to strong growth.

  11. Been growing for years, and this seed bank is the best. Seeds arrived quickly, germinated well, and grew into strong, healthy plants. Customer service was responsive and made ordering easy. Highly recommend.

  12. Outstanding customer service, answered all my questions and provided great support.

  13. Just got my seeds and the variety and quality blew me away. Germinated quickly, and my plants are thriving. Fast, efficient shipping, and the customer service team was super helpful. Highly recommend this seed bank to fellow growers.

  14. Over the moon with my purchase and the health of my plants. Thanks!

  15. Great experience with this seed bank. Knowledgeable, responsive customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very happy with my purchase.

  16. Awesome selection of strains and top-notch seeds. Fast shipping and excellent customer service.

  17. Great experience from start to finish. Responsive, helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  18. Exceptional experience from start to finish. Great selection, high-quality seeds, and helpful customer service. Fast and reliable shipping. Thrilled with my plants and will order again.

  19. Fast delivery and great strain selection, very happy with my purchase.

  20. My order arrived quickly, and the seeds were top-notch. My plants are growing strong and healthy, and the customer service was fantastic. Definitely ordering again.

  21. Easy ordering and high-quality seeds, definitely recommend this seed bank.

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Atomic Apple

21 Reviews
21 reviews

Atomic Apple seeds are the bomb! These weed seeds are pure fire with fruity fragrances and flavors abound to tantalize even the most seasoned enthusiast.

3 seeds
6 seeds
12 seeds
24 seeds

* Percentages displayed show dicounted price / seed. Additional discounts include:

  • All orders over $100 receive free shipping
  • All orders over $150 receive free shipping + 3 free seeds
  • All orders over $250 receive free shipping + 6 free seeds
  • All orders over $420 receive free shipping + 12 free seeds
  • All orders over $600 receive free shipping + 24 free seeds

Atomic Apple

21 Reviews
21 reviews

Atomic Apple seeds are the bomb! These weed seeds are pure fire with fruity fragrances and flavors abound to tantalize even the most seasoned enthusiast.

3 seeds
6 seeds
12 seeds
24 seeds

Pack size :


Price : $60

Price/seed: $20


Price : $99

Price/seed: $16

Discount: -17%


Price : $129

Price/seed: $10

Discount: -46%


Price : $199

Price/seed: $8

Discount: -58%


Cultivar Profile

Additional information


Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool

Strain Type





30 in – 78 in

Yield (g/m²)


Flowering Time

8 – 9 weeks

Harvest Month


Pack Size

3, 6, 12, 24


Premium Cultivars

Seed Type



The History of Atomic Apple Seeds

The Alien Labs are responsible for creating the original Atomic Apple but these are very much Premium Cultivars own Atomic Apple seeds, which combined two genetically strong strains to make this award-winning strain.

Atomic Apple Seeds’ Genetic Journey

Atomic Apple is an Indica-dominant hybrid (80% Indica / 20% Sativa) that was made by crossing two potent strains, Apple Fritter and Triangle Mints.

How to Germinate Atomic Apple Seeds

Germination is an essential step in growing high-quality atomic apple plants. Below is a 9-step guide to help you grow healthy seedlings:

  1. Gather the necessary materials, including atomic Apple strain seeds, a clean plate or shallow dish, paper towels, filtered or distilled water, and a small spray bottle. Clean your workspace to avoid pollutants that could harm seeds during germination.
  2. Choose a good seed-germinating spot and set it up. A clean, well-lit, draft-free, and cool area is recommended. A temperature-controlled, stable atmosphere is ideal for germination.
  3. Dampen two or three paper towels with purified or distilled water. Ensure the paper towels are damp but not soaked. Wring away excess water gently to avoid waterlogging the seeds and hindering germination.
  4. Carefully place the Atomic Apple seeds on one-half of the moist paper towel. Space the seeds apart to prevent them from sticking together during germination. Each seed receives enough moisture and germinates evenly with proper spacing.
  5. Gently fold the second half of the paper towel over the seeds. Press lightly to make sure the seeds touch the moist paper towel. The coating retains moisture and promotes germination while preventing seed drying.
  6. After covering the seeds with a moist paper towel, carefully move them to a clean plate or shallow dish. A stable surface will prevent germination disturbances. Clean the plate of remains that could harm seeds.
  7. Monitor the paper towel’s moisture levels regularly to ensure it stays sufficiently moist. Spray the paper towel with water with a spray bottle if it dries out. Germination requires a consistent level of moisture. Keep the plate warm, ideally 70-80°F, to speed up and even out germination.
  8. Wait for germination. Seed quality and environment affect germination time. Seeds of the Atomic Apple strain usually germinate after a week. The emergence of a small taproot from the seeds indicates sprouting.
  9. Afterward, transplant seeds into your growing medium. Handle germinated seeds gently to avoid damaging the delicate root system. Create a seedling-friendly growing medium with optimum lighting, humidity, and ventilation.

Why are Feminized Seeds Better than Regs?

Feminized seeds are gaining popularity in the cannabis production community for their practical advantages over ordinary seeds.

  1. Feminized seeds guarantee the growth of only female cannabis plants. It is beneficial since female plants produce valuable blossoms with the highest concentration of cannabinoids and are usually collected for use. Feminized seeds simplify the cultivation process and optimize the potential production of useful flowers by removing male plants, which do not produce blooms and can reduce the quality of the final harvest through pollination.
  2. Cannabis production often necessitates a considerable amount of room, whether indoors or outdoors, to optimize efficiency and space utilization. Feminized seeds allow growers to bypass the need to germinate and cultivate numerous seeds to guarantee an adequate quantity of female plants. This efficiency conserves time, space, and resources, enabling growers to concentrate their efforts and resources on cultivating a harvest consisting solely of female plants. This maximizes the productivity per square foot of growth area.
  3. Feminized seeds are created to display similar genetic traits and growth characteristics. Consistent traits enable growers to predict flowering timing, plant size, and overall vigor, resulting in a more uniform crop. Feminized seeds are dependable for ensuring a regular supply of cannabis plants with desired development patterns and features, whether for commercial or personal cultivation.
  4. These seeds reduce pollination risk. Male cannabis plants can jeopardize the quality and potency of a harvest by pollinating female flowers, resulting in seed development instead of high-quality buds. Seeding out reduces the quality and market value of the harvested bloom. Growers can eliminate the chance of pollination and produce seedless, high-quality buds by using feminized seeds.
  5. Cultivating feminized seeds is basic and simple, making them ideal for beginners and those looking for an uncomplicated growing process. Cultivators may focus on providing optimal growing conditions and nurturing healthy, prolific female plants without the need to monitor for male plants or remove them from the garden. Feminized seeds’ accessibility appeals to producers of varying expertise levels.

Growing Atomic Apple Seeds

Should I Grow Atomic Apple Seeds Indoors or Outdoors?

The decision to cultivate Atomic Apple seeds indoors or outdoors depends on available space, climate, and control over environmental conditions. Indoor production provides enhanced control over variables like temperature, humidity, and illumination, which is advantageous for producers aiming for accuracy and uniformity. Outdoor cultivation might attract growers with plenty of room and acceptable environmental conditions. Atomic Apple plants can flourish outside, thriving in natural sunlight and fresh air.

Growing Atomic Apple Indoors

Indoor-grown Atomic Apple plants usually grow to a moderate height of 2 to 4 feet. During the flowering phase, often starting 8 to 10 weeks after transitioning to a 12/12 light cycle, buds grow thickly and are coated with resin-filled trichomes. Optimal timing of harvesting guarantees a bountiful crop of robust and tasty buds, usually yielding between 1.5 to 2.5 ounces per square foot of growing area.


Below are the upsides of growing your cannabis plants indoors:

  1. Indoor cultivation allows you to regulate temperature, humidity, and light intensity. This control optimizes plant growth and reduces stress-related concerns, including mold and nutritional deficits.
  2. Indoor gardening allows year-round cultivation regardless of season. Growers can start and manage blooming with a constant light cycle, assuring a stable supply of Atomic Apple buds year-round.
  3. Growing Atomic Apple indoors decreases pest and disease risks. Clean and controlled growth environments reduce pests and pathogens, protecting plants and yields.
  4. Indoor cultivation allows you to have at least more than one harvest in a year. Also, you can grow your atomic apple plants any time of the year.

Any drawbacks of growing atomic apple seeds indoors?

  1. Grow lights, ventilation systems, grow tents or rooms, and other supplies can be expensive for an indoor grow operation. The upfront fees can be exorbitant for some growers, especially those with limited budgets or experience.
  2. Indoor growth uses more energy than outdoor or greenhouse growth due to artificial lighting, ventilation, and climate control. Increased energy demand can raise utility bills, increase growth operation costs, and perhaps affect its environmental footprint.
  3. Although growers can prevent mold, mildew, and vermin through good interior air circulation and ventilation, airflow might be difficult when the grow room or tent is full of plants. Sitting air, high humidity, and plant diseases can result from poor ventilation.

Growing Atomic Apple Seeds Outdoors

Under ideal conditions, Atomic Apple plants grown outdoors can reach 4 to 6 feet or taller, with thick stems and branches supporting dense foliage and copious bud formation. Atomic Apple buds are harvested outdoors in late September to early October, depending on climate and location.


  1. Atomic Apple plants thrive well outdoors in natural sunlight. Natural sunshine can boost plant vigor and vitality, increasing yields and health.
  2. Outdoor growing doesn’t require artificial lighting, ventilation, or other interior equipment, lowering operational expenses.
  3. Outdoor Atomic Apple plants can yield more than indoor plants with enough space and sunlight. Outdoor plants can reach their genetic potential by growing taller and having deeper root systems, which increases bud output. Growers can scale up production and gather abundant Atomic Apple buds by growing in larger outdoor areas.


  1. Outdoor cultivation is greatly affected by weather, which can be unpredictable. Heavy rain, high winds, and early frosts can harm crops, reducing yield and quality.
  2. Outdoor cannabis is more sensitive to pests and diseases than indoor cannabis. Atomic Apple plants are exposed to more insects, fungi, and germs outside enclosed grow rooms. Pesticides and other chemical treatments can harm the environment and human health if not used properly.
  3. Although outdoor cultivation uses natural sunlight and fresh air, farmers have limited control over temperature, humidity, and light intensity. Environmental changes can affect plant growth, yield, and quality.

The Best Grow Medium for Atomic Apple Seeds

The optimal grow medium for Atomic Apple seeds varies depending on personal preference, experience, and growing goals. Soil, which is natural and nutrient-rich, is a popular choice for cannabis plants. Organic soil boosts microbial activity and nutrient intake, keeping Atomic Apple plants healthy. Hydroponic systems provide precise fertilizer and water management in a soilless growth medium. Hydroponics delivers highly soluble nutrients directly to roots, accelerating plant development and yields.

The Best Climate for Atomic Apple Seeds

Atomic Apple seeds thrive in warm, temperate climates with regular sunlight and moderate humidity. These seeds grow best in daytime temperatures between 70°F and 85°F  during vegetative growth. Warmer temperatures boost photosynthesis and leaf growth. As the plants enter flowering, slightly cooler temperatures of 65°F to 80°F encourage thick, resinous buds. During the growing cycle, you can increase your harvest by maintaining moderate humidity levels between 40% and 60%.

Problems to Look Out For When Growing Atomic Apple Seeds

While growing, Atomic Apple plants might develop nutrient shortages that affect their health. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and micronutrient shortages can cause yellowing, stunted growth, or aberrant leaf discoloration. Insects and pests can destroy Atomic Apple leaves, blooms, and buds. Spider mites, aphids, thrips, and caterpillars can diminish cannabis plant vigor and productivity if left unchecked. Maintaining plant health and harvesting Atomic Apple buds requires monitoring for illnesses like white powdery mildew, tobacco mosaic virus, mold, and fungal infections.

How Difficult is it to Grow Atomic Apple Seeds?

Are Atomic Apple Seeds Suitable for Beginners?

Beginners may find growing Atomic Apple seed growth moderately difficult. Novice growers may struggle with environmental conditions, nutrient deficits, pest infestations, and flowering management. However, novices can successfully produce Atomic Apple seeds and reap the rewards of a satisfying harvest with the right research, attention to detail, and desire to learn.

How Much Do Atomic Apple Seeds Yield?

Atomic Apple seed yield depends on growth circumstances, culture methods, and grower expertise. These seeds often give moderate to high cannabis flower yields. Indoor growers often generate 1.5–2.5 ounces per square foot. Individual plants can provide several ounces to over a pound of dried flower outdoors, depending on plant size, environmental circumstances, and cultivation procedures.

How to Get Better Yields from Your Atomic Apple Seeds

You can improve Atomic Apple seed yields using appropriate growing methods. Set up optimal growing conditions with enough light, ventilation, and nutrient-rich media. Try topping, low-stress training (LST), or Screen of Green (SCROG) to encourage lateral growth and increase budding sites. Maintain appropriate plant spacing to minimize overcrowding and improve ventilation, which can prevent mold and mildew. These methods and careful care can boost yields and maximize Atomic Apple seed potential.

The Best Grow Techniques for Atomic Apple

These three growth techniques can help you produce healthy plants with higher yields:

Low-Stress Training (LST)

LST is a gentle and effective way to regulate cannabis plant form and growth, especially during vegetative stages. Growers can promote horizontal development and an even canopy by carefully bending and fastening plant branches. This method is ideal for Atomic Apple plants, which grow vertically. LST spreads the branches to give each bud site enough light and ventilation, resulting in more uniform development and larger yields. LST improves canopy ventilation, reducing bud rot and other moisture concerns.

Begin by gently bending the plant branches away from the center and fastening them with soft ties or plant training clips. Gradually move the branches to promote horizontal growth and minimize overcrowding. To maintain a uniform canopy, check and adjust branch positioning as the plant grows. LST helps gardeners maintain Atomic Apple plant height and form during the vegetative stage, resulting in increased harvest yields of excellent buds.


The Screen of Green (SCROG) approach is popular for maximizing yields and light distribution in cannabis plants. SCROG includes training branches to grow horizontally through a screen or trellis above the plant canopy. Branch spacing is even as they grow through the screen, creating a flat canopy. Atomic Apple plants benefit from this method because it maximizes light use and exposes each bud site. SCROG can reduce light burn and promote canopy-wide bud growth by distributing light more evenly.

Install a robust screen or trellis above the plant canopy to support the branches to start the SCROG process. To achieve a flat canopy, carefully weave the branches through the screen as they grow. Monitor plant growth and modify branch positions to maintain a uniform canopy. Growers may regulate Atomic Apple plant height and form during the vegetative and early blooming stages with SCROG, resulting in increased harvest yields of excellent buds.


This pruning and training method removes inferior branches and directs energy to the main cola. Main lining promotes large, packed buds and reduces vegetative growth by concentrating plant resources on a dominant cola. This method helps Atomic Apple plants maximize yields and generate top-notch buds. Main lining directs energy to productive bud sites, creating a uniform canopy and improving bud quality.

Start main-lining with a strong, vigorous plant with several branches. Leave only the main stem and a few branches after carefully removing the lower branches and growth tips with sharp pruning scissors. Next, evenly space the nodes along the main stem so they can all grow into prominent colas. To maintain an equal canopy and promote bud development, trim and train the branches as the plant grows. During the vegetative stage, the main lining helps producers regulate Atomic Apple plant height and form, increasing harvest yields of excellent buds.

What does an Atomic Apple plant look like?

An Atomic Apple plant has thick and vivid foliage that conveys a sense of vigor and health, featuring deep green tones mixed with purple and flaming orange hues. The leaves are wide and have jagged edges, reflecting sunlight with a glossy finish that enhances their beauty. Every flower sparkles with a crystalline layer of trichomes.

Where Can I Buy Atomic Apple Seeds?

If you’re looking for premium Atomic Apple seeds, look no further than Premium Cultivars. Visit the website, order your Atomic Apple auto seeds, and wait to receive them at your doorstep. If you can’t get enough of the apple attributes on display here, why not check out Apple Tartz seeds.

How do I Buy Atomic Apple Seeds?

Premium Cultivars supplies high-quality Atomic Apple seeds to consumers in the USA, where marijuana is legal. First, register on the official website, browse the wide cannabis seed catalog, find Atomic Apple seeds, and select your desired pack size—3, 6, 12, 24, or bulk. Premium Cultivars’ major debit and credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, are used as payment methods. This seed bank offers complimentary shipping for cannabis seed purchases over $100 to all customers in the USA.

Additional information


Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool

Strain Type





30 in – 78 in

Yield (g/m²)


Flowering Time

8 – 9 weeks

Harvest Month


Pack Size

3, 6, 12, 24


Premium Cultivars

Seed Type


21 reviews for Atomic Apple

5.0 Rating
1-21 of 21 reviews
  1. Explosive strain with a fruity twist. Energizing effects perfect for daytime use.

  2. Impressed by the seed quality and strain variety. Seeds germinated well and grew into strong, healthy plants. Fast, efficient shipping and helpful customer service. Highly recommend.

  3. Super happy with my purchase from this seed bank. High-quality seeds that germinated quickly, resulting in strong, healthy plants. Fast and reliable shipping, and knowledgeable customer service.

  4. Recently ordered and was impressed by the whole experience. Knowledgeable, helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  5. Fantastic experience from start to finish. Highly recommend this seed bank.

  6. My plants are thriving thanks to the top-quality seeds and speedy delivery. Superb customer service too.

  7. Healthy plants thanks to high-quality seeds and top-notch customer service.

  8. Impressed by the fast, efficient shipping and exceptional seed quality.

  9. First purchase and thoroughly impressed. Helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  10. Reliable shipping and well-germinating seeds, leading to strong growth.

  11. Been growing for years, and this seed bank is the best. Seeds arrived quickly, germinated well, and grew into strong, healthy plants. Customer service was responsive and made ordering easy. Highly recommend.

  12. Outstanding customer service, answered all my questions and provided great support.

  13. Just got my seeds and the variety and quality blew me away. Germinated quickly, and my plants are thriving. Fast, efficient shipping, and the customer service team was super helpful. Highly recommend this seed bank to fellow growers.

  14. Over the moon with my purchase and the health of my plants. Thanks!

  15. Great experience with this seed bank. Knowledgeable, responsive customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very happy with my purchase.

  16. Awesome selection of strains and top-notch seeds. Fast shipping and excellent customer service.

  17. Great experience from start to finish. Responsive, helpful customer service, high-quality seeds that germinated well, and fast shipping. Very satisfied.

  18. Exceptional experience from start to finish. Great selection, high-quality seeds, and helpful customer service. Fast and reliable shipping. Thrilled with my plants and will order again.

  19. Fast delivery and great strain selection, very happy with my purchase.

  20. My order arrived quickly, and the seeds were top-notch. My plants are growing strong and healthy, and the customer service was fantastic. Definitely ordering again.

  21. Easy ordering and high-quality seeds, definitely recommend this seed bank.

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