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1. White Flies on Cannabis During Flowering

White flies on cannabis, particularly white flies during flowering, can be one of the most destructive bugs on cannabis.

How to identify whiteflies virus on cannabis plant

One of the most common pests that assault cannabis plants is whiteflies. They have the potential to become your greatest nightmare unless you take immediate action and fight them off with everything you have. Despite its devastation, this plague is relatively easy to recognize. Cannabis plants are terrified of them since they feed on their sap and transmit plant infections that they seem not to be capable of fighting due to a lack of vigor caused by having all of their liquids sucked away. As a result, keep an eye out for any possible signs of infestation:

  1. If you suspect that the tiny holes or yellow, translucent specks that have lately emerged on the cannabis leaves are caused by whiteflies, give your plants a thorough shake to see if they take flight.
  2. Examine the leaves for the presence of honeydew, a sticky fluid secreted by crawlers as they feed. The procedure is straightforward: sap is high in sugar but poor in protein. So, for whiteflies to receive enough protein, they must suck up nearly all of the plant’s juices, secreting the excess sugar in the process. Honeydew can be extremely harmful to plants because it promotes the growth of sooty mold, which can impair photosynthesis.
  3. This tasty liquid attracts ants, who protect whiteflies from their natural predators. This is due to the symbiotic interaction between the two species: ants feed on honeydew, while whiteflies are protected.
  4. Another way to check the occurrence of these insects is to look via a magnifier for the small eggs (0.25 mm tops) left on the leaf surface, where they complete their larval stages.
  5. Once they’ve established, it’s quite tricky to get rid of them since they can spawn multiple times throughout their 10-13day life cycle, depositing between 80-300 eggs in each clutch. They’re nearly unstoppable! The eggs hatch into translucent nymphs that are almost invisible after six days.

What causes whiteflies on cannabis?

The following are some of the significant factors that contribute to a whitefly outbreak:

  • You can find some in common houseplants.
  • Buying infested soil in bags.
  • Bringing infested plants in from outside.
  • When growing outdoors, other plants in the growth region have the infection.

How to get rid of the white flies on cannabis?

Neem oil

When used to cure flowering cannabis plants, neem oil will leave an unpleasant taste/odor on the buds, therefore don’t let this stuff come near your buds! There is also evidence that Neem oil may be toxic to humans, so use it with caution! Neem oil is an all-natural medicine that is extremely powerful against a wide range of bugs and mildew. Because neem oil and water can quickly separate, you need a mister to spray all leaves evenly.

Insecticidal soap

To eliminate whiteflies on your cannabis plants, use insecticidal soap. This natural insecticide kills on contact and is made with all-natural substances such as potassium salts and fatty acids from plants. It works on other insects and is an excellent tool to have in your armory against practically any intruder in your cannabis garden. Spray the underside of your eaves to kill any whiteflies without damaging your plants.

Essentria IC3

Essentria PRO Insecticide is a blend of organic and non-toxic horticultural oils. It is frequently marketed as a “bed bug killer,” however, when applied to plants regularly, it can be helpful against whiteflies.

Essentria IC-3
Essentria IC-3 insecticide

Unfortunately, it is only effective for around 8 hours on the plant, so you need to apply it daily or combine it with other solutions. To evenly spray all of the leaves, you’ll need a mister.

Spinosad (safe & organic)

Spinosad products are entirely safe for pets, children, and plants. They can be used directly to kill whiteflies on contact. Spinosad should be sprayed abundantly anywhere aphids on cannabis are found, particularly under the leaves. Although it may not be as effective against pests as some of the harsher insecticides, it does work and is relatively safe for plants, animals, and humans! Spinosad is an organic pesticide derived from the fermentation of a specific soil bacteria (actinomycete Saccharopolyspora Spinosa). It kills whiteflies by affecting the insect’s nervous system. Spinosad is an excellent choice for organic and outdoor gardeners. It is highly poisonous to whiteflies but less hazardous to many valuable insects and spiders.

A biological war against white flies on cannabis

You can also launch a biological battle against whiteflies by importing natural predatory insects to eliminate the eggs, larvae, and adults. Wasps like Encarsia Formosa, for example, can efficiently stop this infestation. Every two weeks or so, introduce two or more people. Another lethal insect is Macrolophus Caliginosus, which may consume whiteflies at all stages.

Dealing with whiteflies outdoors

It’s quite challenging to get rid of cannabis plants that are in the process of growing buds or have formed colas. Spraying your plants with flowers is a dangerous option because mold may emerge as a result. This will occur if the plants do not receive enough airflow to dry adequately, especially colas. You will also jeopardize the development of trichomes on your cannabis plants. Here are some solutions to help deal with whiteflies outside:

  • During harvest, you can clean your flowers that have been clipped of large leaves still on the stem in bath water with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then rinse and hang dry your buds with plenty of airflow and fans once they’re dry to finish the drying and curing process.
  • Spraying your cannabis plants with diluted insecticidal soap or neem oil. Do not spray for two days in a row to let the soap or oil work on the eggs and nymphs.

Stop whiteflies before they become a problem

It is best to take safeguards before whiteflies appear to avoid any last-minute problems. Recommendations range from installing powerful fans to installing filters in every vent slot. This can keep insects from entering your grow room. Most farmers also like to use Neem oil as a natural, inexpensive, and effective repellant. You’ll need to mix it with water and spray your plants with the resulting solution every two weeks if you choose it. Make sure your grow room is also dust-free. Maintain as much cleanliness as possible, especially after cutting. And, as previously said, it is critical to maintaining temperatures low because whiteflies thrive in warmer conditions.

Picture of Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford’s impact on cannabis growing is undeniable. Though he tends to focus primarily on 2 areas, plant training techniques and dealing with disease, pests, and other problems, he has offered many insights into how cannabis plants live and grow. That’s not to say that Ed is unfamiliar with the complete life cycle of cannabis, from seed to harvest, but he uses his widespread knowledge to hone in on the minutia and niche areas of growing cannabis. Ed’s goal is to spread knowledge and allow for everyone to become better growers. 𝕏

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