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1. Where Is It Legal to Grow Cannabis?

Many nations throughout the world have followed a global trend of legalizing cannabis consumption and growing it for medical and recreational purposes. However, most of them are taking small steps toward full legalization. In certain nations, it is legal to produce and sell several plants. Other countries allow people to cultivate marijuana for personal use, away from prying eyes. If you reside in a nation that has allowed cannabis production to some extent, ensure you understand your country’s laws before you begin cultivating your plants.

Countries where growing cannabis is legal

Unlike in the past, cannabis is now legal in many parts of the world, mainly whether grown for personal use or sold for therapeutic purposes. However, some governments are passionate about legalizing cannabis, let alone cultivating it. Here is a list of countries that have allowed cannabis cultivation, depending on their laws:


Uruguay became the first country to legalize both recreational and therapeutic cannabis usage, as well as home growing, in late 2013 and early 2014. However, there is one little catch when it comes to recreational usage – locals can buy cannabis recreationally, but outsiders cannot. Furthermore, residents are permitted to grow no more than six plants. And, buyers must be 18 years old and registered with the local authorities. Furthermore, Uruguayan authorities are allowed to cultivate cannabis for legal sale.


Canada legalized cannabis for therapeutic uses in 2001, and the Federal Cannabis Act allowed recreational usage 17 years later. Except for Manitoba and Quebec, where cannabis cultivation is still illegal, Canada permits citizens to cultivate up to four four cannabis plants per household. Purchase your seeds or young blooming plants from a legitimate source, such as an authorized store in your province or region. It is prohibited to utilize or cultivate seeds from known illicit sources. Furthermore, plants and seeds from illegal sources may expose you to chemicals that are not allowed for use in cannabis in Canada.


Every state in the United States has its own set of laws, yet they all follow federal rules. The National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR) in Oxford, Mississippi, is the only facility in the continental United States with a federal license from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to produce cannabis for scientific study. Based on their cannabis growing rules, all 50 states may be divided into four categories:

  • States in which cannabis cultivation for medicinal and recreational use is illegal: New York, Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Texas, Florida, Utah, Sacramento and others.
  • States that allow growing cannabis for medicinal use only: Arizona, Washington, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Montana, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Missouri.
  • States that don’t differentiate medicinal from recreational cannabis and allow growing it for both purposes: Massachusetts, Colorado, Maine, and Alaska.
  • States that allow cultivating cannabis for recreational and provide higher limits for patients who require it for medicinal purposes: Oregon, California, Nevada, Vermont, and Michigan.

Although authorized, several of these states have set limits on how many cannabis plants adults can cultivate. However, several of these states have relaxed all restrictions on certified patients who produce cannabis for therapeutic purposes.


Mexico has a long history in the production of cannabis and has always been among the greatest producers in the world, among other things, because its populace has fairly normalized it; since 2009, possession of small amounts has been decriminalized, and its neighbor is to the north. It is also one of the most in-demand worldwide. However, starting February 1, 2021, personal, medicinal, scientific, and industrial usage began to be controlled; therefore, people are sure that it is just a matter of time until Mexico becomes the most significant producer in the world.


Cannabis trafficking, which includes the sale, production, or importation for sale, is illegal and punished by imprisonment. However, activities involving marijuana for personal consumption are classified as misdemeanors rather than criminal offenses. Cannabis became legal in Catalonia in 2017 – the state promptly challenged the measure, which was deemed unlawful. However, the growth of cannabis for personal use in private spaces is permitted by law, but only if the plants are not visible from public places, such as across the street or from the balcony.


Belgium is a small European country that has taken a significant step toward entirely legalizing the possession, use, and cultivation of cannabis. The primary reason for this is that Belgium saw that cannabis usage rates had been growing throughout the country since the late twentieth century. Furthermore, while being officially illegal, cannabis production is still increasing across the country. Adults (over the age of 18) were no longer prosecuted for possessing marijuana. Belgium’s legislative efforts to limit cannabis plant growth and cultivation have steadily diminished, resulting in greater cultivation and development of cannabis plants and other related items. Although it is not legally permitted, cultivating no more than one plant for personal use and possessing no more than three grams is not punished by law in Belgium.

The Netherland

In the Netherlands, cannabis sales and use are permitted exclusively in licensed coffee shops; these are legal establishments that provide marijuana to both visitors and residents. Although possession of up to five grams is decriminalized, authorities may still seize it even if you have the legal quantity. This generally occurs during border inspections for cars. Furthermore, cultivating up to five marijuana plants for non-commercial purposes is not prohibited unless cultivated in a professional setting.


While Thailand’s medicinal marijuana legislation went into force in 2018, it is now entirely legal as of June 2022. Although specific laws remain in place, cannabis is commonly consumed and sold. There are no restrictions on personal possession limitations, how many plants you can grow, or how much cannabis you may purchase. There are dispensaries everywhere, but marijuana may be pricey. For certain dank exotic strains, prices might reach $25 per gram. In 2022, the Thai Health Minister declared that the government provided one million weed plants to local families.

The Republic of South Africa

In mid-September 2018, the South African Constitutional Court decriminalized the growing and consumption of cannabis in private. Even if personal marijuana use has been wholly decriminalized, selling or purchasing cannabis, as well as any cannabis-based goods like oil and seeds, remains prohibited. Cannabis plants thrive in South Africa’s warm environment, and the 2011 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) said that marijuana is a popular crop. This crop is an ‘important cash crop’ that provides financial support for many rural Eastern Cape communities. Farmers in rural regions are typically impoverished, and they grow very low-quality cannabis plants that are consumed mainly by the local lower class. Furthermore, middle-class farmers produce products acceptable to the remainder of the national and worldwide cannabis markets.


Although cannabis is no longer illegal in Germany, cultivating it at home can still result in penalties. Even while the government permits both recreational and medical cannabis usage, cultivating cannabis at home remains illegal, at least without a license. However, there are few exceptions for those who produce cannabis for personal use. Individuals with German government authorization can also cultivate a personal amount of cannabis for private use without being fined.


According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Morocco is the world’s top grower of psychoactive marijuana plants. Most of Morocco’s cultivated land is centered in the Rif area, the country’s northern highlands, where around 57,000 hectares are dedicated to this goal. Previously, it could be argued that the whole output was devoted to the manufacturing of hashish, but since 2021, the government has adopted a measure that would regulate the growing of medical and industrial cannabis.


Cannabis production is prohibited unless it is for scientific or research objectives or industrial usage. In each of these cases, approval from the government must be acquired first. If detected unlawfully producing cannabis, the criminal faces up to ten years in prison and a fine of 100,000 rupees. Although cannabis production is prohibited, this does not pose a significant difficulty for the country’s cannabis customers or traffickers, as the plant grows abundantly in the wild. This is especially true in the hilly northern regions, such as Himachal Pradesh. Many growers in Himachal Pradesh harvest cannabis plants, although they rarely cultivate them. Instead, it grows organically with other crops. According to local accounts, the authorities are unlikely to intervene if farmers cultivate and use it privately. The authorities typically take action only after the cannabis is sold to others.


Afghanistan became the world’s greatest cannabis producer in 2010, with over 20,000 hectares dedicated to its growth, but it has since been eclipsed by the two states that lead this ready. Afghanistan has a long history with marijuana, particularly for the manufacturing of hashish; in the Mazar-e Sharif area alone, millions of plants are cultivated each year.


Paraguay is the world’s leading producer of pressed marijuana, which it distributes to other South American nations at a low cost. Crops are primarily grown in Alto Paraná, Amambay, Caaguazú, Caazapá, Canindeyú, Concepción, Itapúa, and San Pedro districts. Medical cannabis has been lawfully transported to the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe in recent years. Industrial hemp farming was also legalized in October 2019, making Paraguay one of the world’s leading producers of cannabis in all forms.

Tips for cultivating cannabis at home

Cultivating marijuana plants at home can be a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips for successful homegrown cannabis:

Utilize cannabis grow lights

Almost all indoor growing techniques cause reduced plant life spans and growth concerns if adequate lighting is not provided. If your weed garden is in an area that does not receive adequate sunshine, you should certainly consider putting grow lights.

Cannabis grow lights

A marijuana grow lamp will provide your plants with precisely the proper quantity of light, which is essential for healthy growth and a plentiful harvest.

Use organic fertilizers and pesticides

Cannabis plants require organic fertilizer to thrive. Most weed-growing supply companies sell a variety of organic fertilizers, including enough amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It is also best to avoid applying any inorganic pesticides because they are known to do significant damage to your marijuana plants.

Feed your cannabis plants the right amount of water

Cannabis plants frequently fare poorly when the water supply is always too high. Conversely, if it is consistently too low, your plants will suffer. The simplest way to avoid overfeeding is to separate the watering schedule for each weed plant. One method to tell if your cannabis plants are getting enough water is to check the soil regularly and ensure that your garden is not constantly saturated.

Maintain ideal humidity and temperature in your grow room

The easiest technique to regulate your home grow room’s humidity is to allow the room to dry between watering. The optimal temperature for cannabis cultivation is roughly 70 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take. Your temperature should never increase beyond 77 degrees or fall below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a hygrometer to determine relative humidity, and keep it between 40% and 50%.

Train and prune your cannabis plant

Training a cannabis plant systematically shapes and manipulates the plant’s growth to improve its structure, enhance light exposure, and encourage overall development. The purpose of training is to make the cannabis plant more prolific and efficient, resulting in higher-quality buds. Cannabis producers utilize a variety of training strategies, including:

  1. Low-stress training (LST): To establish an equal canopy and improve light exposure, gently bend and tie down the branches.
  2. Topping: Cut the top of the main stem to promote bushier growth and the formation of numerous colas.
  3. Pruning: Remove any unwanted leaves and lower branches that receive insufficient light, diverting the plant’s energy to more productive places.

Wrap up: Cannabis-friendly cultivation countries worldwide

While opinions on cannabis cultivation differ from country to country, there is a clear trend towards partial legalization. Except for a few noteworthy exceptions, such as Laos, it is no longer common to face severe penalties for mere possession of marijuana. Some EU nations may still penalize you, but most will look the other way. The best cannabis-friendly countries, such as Uruguay and Canada, have completely legalized with promising outcomes, and more countries are following suit.

Picture of Taylor Christianson

Taylor Christianson

Taylor is an indoor expert. Through their writing, they offer a masterclass on growing cannabis indoors, maintaining a productive growing environment, and guiding growers through all the stages of growth both indoors and outdoors. Combining multiple fields of expertise allows for Taylor to give in-depth insights into overall cannabis growing. 𝕏

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