Learning how to protect your outdoor grow is one of the first steps to take when choosing to cultivate outdoors Many problems can arise from the climate, location and more – let’s look at how to stop these things from happening.
The risks of growing cannabis outdoors
Most agree that cannabis plants grow best when planted outdoors, where they can prosper in their natural environment and thrive according to their biological clock. This was the natural order of things thousands of years ago, and it still is today. Most growers prefer growing cannabis outdoors rather than using the more sophisticated techniques available in an indoor setting. Their major argument is that you can only do organic growing outside.
The amount of live organisms to which plants are exposed is one of the most difficult aspects of growing outside. The scale of these pests ranges from tiny fungus spores to birds. Numerous bugs feed on cannabis, some of which are simpler to eliminate than others, but all of them can harm your plant. Cannabis may also develop mold, so keeping your plants safe is essential if you want a great harvest.
Bad weather
Some put it on climate change, while others argue that the bad weather you have been experiencing year after year is just the way things have always been. Whatever the cause, keeping your plants safe from inclement weather is an essential component of protecting your outdoor grow. This includes heat, frost, severe rainfall, hail, strong winds, and thunderstorms. Unwanted attention
If you have room for a cannabis garden, it is suggested as long as cannabis cultivation is legal in your location. Even if it is legal, you will have interested or nosy neighbors, as well as the occasional stranger who notices your garden and decides to come back and have a field day with it when you are away. It is critical to keep your outdoor cannabis garden hidden.
Other climate issues
- Drought
Dry conditions frequently accompany high temperatures. Some countries receive little rain throughout the summer, contributing to times of drought. You must follow your watering schedule to keep your cannabis plants from drying up due to a lack of water.
- Rain
Outdoor grow too much rain increases humidity, and when combined with the appropriate conditions, your plant might become infested with bugs or mold. Pests such as whiteflies, spider mites, or fungus gnats can quickly rot or destroy your plant.
How to protect your outdoor plants
How to protect your outside grow from pests, predators, harsh climate, and other factors? Here are outdoor cannabis growing tips;

Cannabis plants that aren’t in pots can be a little more challenging to handle because they can’t be moved around as much, which comes in handy for the harsh sun, temperatures, rain, or wind. However, temperature variations are more common in potted plants because heat escapes more quickly than if the plant is firmly anchored in the earth. Planting in pots and digging holes in the ground large enough to sit comfortably is one solution to this difficulty. Having the option of adding more insulation can be beneficial for protection during chilly nights. The ground often retains temperature and moisture better than pots.
Another excellent technique to safeguard your outdoor cannabis is sheltering it in a construction like a greenhouse. It will protect it from thieves and pest control for cannabis plants and weather conditions like strong winds, snow, and storms. Furthermore, if you cultivate cannabis in a greenhouse, you can install an air filtration system to mask the odor of the plants. Also, you can produce cannabis all year round by changing the prevailing climate.
Companion plants
Companion planting entails introducing other plants to your cannabis garden, like lavender, rosemary, and peppermint, which generate compounds that help keep bugs off cannabis plants. The unpleasant smell that some of these plants emit can attract insects looking for other plants to feed on but be careful because some plants can spread quickly and limit the area your cannabis plants have, so it’s best to keep them in pots.
When putting up a trap in your backyard, keep in mind that a trap that might potentially damage or even kill someone is unlawful and can land you in jail. That is why booby traps are strictly prohibited. Alert traps, on the other hand, can be used. While they may not cause any harm to the burglar, they can scare them away more quickly than you expect. Furthermore, they are an excellent method of capturing tiny animals that may be wandering around your crop in search of food.
Tarpaulin is a heavy-duty waterproof fabric that was initially made from tarred canvas. Tarpaulins are used in several methods to protect cannabis plants from the elements like wind, rain, and sunlight.
Polytunnel or similar covering
A polytunnel is best viewed as a framework for your cannabis garden. This frame is usually covered with UV-resistant polythene plastic, allowing it to last for a long time. The inside produces heat because the sun’s incoming solar radiation warms plants, soil, and other objects, creating faster than heat can escape. In the winter, you may keep the tunnel even warmer by lining it with bubble wrap to give more insulation.
Security cameras
Outdoor grow security cameras are an excellent investment for any purpose since they keep your cannabis plants safe. When shopping for a security camera, seek features such as night vision so that your plants are secured at night and motion detection and alert so that you know if someone is in the backyard when you are not there. In addition, seek a security camera that will transmit the footage to other devices, such as your mobile phone, rather than just your computer. You’ll be able to view what’s going on your property at any moment, from wherever you are. This will manage to keep you safe not only from human thieves but also from animals.
When you have an alarm system linked to your security camera, you can activate the alarm, which will frighten potential thieves. Another advantage of security cameras is that if your crop is taken and you are growing it lawfully, you can consistently offer the footage to the authorities. It will undoubtedly hasten the process of apprehending the thieves.
A fence is used to protect plants from larger animals (deer, cats, dogs, and rabbits) that can eat your plants. Many animals are drawn to cannabis plants, and because of their shape, they can kill your plant quickly. Thus, it’s critical to have a wire fence or wire cage around your plant as well as underground, protecting the roots from animals that you can’t see, such as gophers and moles.