24k Gold Feminized Cannabis Plant

General Info


to Grow



Caryophyllene, Limonene, Myrcene

Growth Stats


30 in - 78 in


Flowers in
8 - 9 weeks


Harvest in


600 g / m2

Feelings & Flavors

Relaxed icon


Happy icon


Uplifted icon


Citrus icon


Orange icon


Earthy icon


Product Video


The History of 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

The 24K Gold Feminized cannabis is undeniably a dazzling beauty, making it one of the most famous and sought-after varieties. 24K Gold Feminized is a fantastic cross of Kosher Kush, a two-time High Times Cannabis Cup Awards best-winning Indica and overall winner in 2011. Tangie, another great parent, is a Sativa dominant variety.

How to Germinate 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

Germination of cannabis seeds is an essential step in generating high yields. You must follow precise guidelines that guarantee about 100% germination. Premium Cultivars recommends the paper towel technique since it is simple and inexpensive because practically all supplies are readily available at home. Are you prepared to germinate your 24k Gold Feminized cannabis seeds? Here is everything you'll require:

  • High-quality 24k Gold Feminized cannabis seeds.
  • Water.
  • Towels made of paper
  • A plate.
  • A set of tweezers.

Here are step-by-step procedures on how to use the paper towel method to germinate your 24k Gold Feminized seeds;

  1. Gather your tools.
  2. Sprinkle some water on your paper towels to dampen them.
  3. Squeeze them to remove any extra water that has soaked in.
  4. On the plate, put one paper towel.
  5. Place your 24K Gold Feminized seeds, leaving around 1 inch between each seed.
  6. You should use another moist paper towel to cover the placed seeds.
  7. Cover the setup with the second dinner plate to form a 'dome-like' shape.
  8. Keep your container in a warm, dark area, such as a drawer or cupboard. Check the seeds for moisture regularly and, if required, sprinkle additional water to keep the conditions humid.
  9. A taproot will sprout from your seeds two to five days after germinating. You may now transfer the seedlings to your preferred growth medium.

Why are Feminized Seeds Better than Regs?

Feminized cannabis seeds have a 99% probability of developing into a female plant. Of course, the most significant advantage of Feminized seeds for a novice grower is that they do not require sexing, a practice that requires some skill to conduct successfully. However, when stressed, feminized cannabis seeds are more likely to become hermaphrodites, putting the entire garden at risk of undesired pollination. Additionally, each cannabis seed can be regular or feminized. Previously, seed banks exclusively produced regular cannabis; however, the feminization of seeds is now more popular than ever. Many breeders even emphasize the generation of Feminized because of the high demand for female plants.

Growing 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

In the grow chamber, 24K Gold Feminized may grow rather tall and will continue to grow until the fourth week of blooming. Thus, it is prudent to consider this while designing growth spaces indoors and out.

Should I Grow 24k Gold Feminized Seeds Indoors or Outdoors?

Growing 24K Gold Feminized seeds outdoors is easier than indoor farming since practically everything needed for successful cannabis growing is freely available. Moreover, it is a more cost-effective alternative to planting because fans, lighting, and odor-control equipment are not required.

Growing 24k Gold Feminized Seeds Indoors

Indoor blooming time for 24K Gold Feminized cannabis seeds is 9-10 weeks. As a result, patience and dedication are needed. Also, indoors, 24K Gold Feminized develops to 80-100 cm.

Growing 24k Gold Feminized Seeds Outdoors

These Feminized cannabis seeds reach their maximum height of up to 2.5m in an outdoor environment.

How Much Do 24k Gold Feminized Seeds Yield?

How to Get Better Yields from your 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

Expect 15-19 oz. Per mΒ², an indoor harvest. Outdoors, 24k Gold Feminized seeds behave admirably. Plant your seeds in early April for a harvest in late October. Healthy 24K Gold Feminized seeds yield between 21 and 25 oz. Per plant.

The Best Grow Medium for 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

24K Gold Feminized cannabis seeds will thrive in hydro and soil environments. However, some experienced growers prefer the hydro arrangement since it allows you total control over the quantity and quality of nutrients your plants provide. As a result, hydroponic setups are claimed to produce more significant results.

The Best Climate for 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

Outdoors, 24K Gold Feminized can provide even more impressive results, but only if you live somewhere warm, constantly sunny Mediterranean-like weather.

Problems to Look Out For when Growing 24k Gold Feminized Seeds

  • Constant pruning: Since these Feminized seeds develop tall than most cannabis, they require constant maintenance to enable light and fresh air to penetrate the whole plant.
  • Harsh climate: This is common outdoors due to the frost of winter. Cold weather might lead to stunt development of the 24K Gold Feminized seeds.

How Difficult is it to Grow 24k Gold Feminized Seeds?

Are 24k Gold Feminized Seeds Suitable for Beginners?

Growing 24K Gold Feminized cannabis seeds is not difficult, but it does require patience and the appropriate climate. As long as all of the necessary preparation and climate control are satisfied, these Feminized seeds are straightforward to nurture for inexperienced growers.

The Best Grow Techniques for 24k Gold Feminized Seeds


You are recommended to train your plants early in the vegetative stage to keep their height under control. Pruning regularly will assist in maintaining their shape compact and enhance air circulation, light exposure, and energy distribution to the growing buds.

Low stress training (LST)

Growers employ LST to boost yields and modify their plants' overall size and form. LST is similar to nurturing bonsai trees in that you may mold the plant to your liking. Essentially, you are bending and twisting the stems. Growers use LST to let more light penetrate the new developing bud locations. Another reason cannabis farmers are enthusiastic about LST is because it is an excellent method of maintaining the plants at a controllable and discreet height where they are less likely to be observed by nosy neighbors or passers-by.

Screen of Green (ScrOG)

ScrOG is one of several training methods to combat cannabis' inherent apical dominance. It controls and guides the development of many cannabis plants by using a screen as a trellis. ScrOG is intended to lift lower and lower top branches, resulting in an equal canopy and improved light dispersion to all bud sites.

Are there Similar Seeds to 24k Gold Feminized Seeds for Sale Online?

Similar cannabis seeds to 24K Gold Feminized are Cherry Pie Feminized, Chemdawg Feminized, Big Bud Feminized, and Bubba Kush Feminized.

Where can I Buy 24k Gold Feminized Seeds?

Premium Cultivars is the place to go for the best Feminized cannabis seeds in the country. We are a reputable seed company that provides high-quality 24K Gold Feminized seeds with all of the desirable qualities and DNA of their parent cultivars.

How do I Buy 24k Gold Feminized Seeds?

Premium Cultivars is a significant cannabis seed bank that sells a variety of high-yielding cannabis seeds to consumers in the United States. We will mail 24K Gold Feminized seeds to any state where cannabis seeds are legal if you buy them from us. All 24K Gold Feminized orders over $100 qualify for free delivery. Visit our website, where we've compiled a selection of 24K Gold Feminized seeds for sale online to assist you in your search, then proceed to checkout, fill out all of the necessary information, and pay using your favorite payment method. Payment methods are all common debit and credit cards.

Why Buy from Premium Cultivars

Major Cards Accepted

Securely purchase premium cannabis seeds using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover

3-5 Day

Fast, reliable shipping ensures your cannabis seeds arrive within 3-7 business days

Germination Guarantee

We offer a Guaranteed Germination policy for your cannabis seed order


All cannabis seeds comply with federal regulations, ensuring legal purchase and delivery

Replacement Guarantee

We offer a replacement guarantee for any issues with your cannabis seed order


Premium Cultivars provides authentic, high-quality cannabis seeds genetics for optimal growth

24K Gold Seeds

Tangie icon-cross Kosher Kush

24k Gold seeds produce abundant amounts of generously sized and thick cannabis buds.
Pack Size: 3
24k Gold Feminized Cannabis Plant

24K Gold Seeds


24K Gold Seeds

Pack Size: 3