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Cannabis Soil pH - Discovering the Optimum pH For Cannabis in Soil

by Premium Cultivars 07 Feb 2025
Cannabis Soil pH - Discovering the Optimum pH For Cannabis in Soil

The pH level of your medium is critical for growing cannabis. Cannabis plants grow excellently in somewhat acidic soil with a pH of 6 and 7. If you are producing cannabis hydroponically, the recommended pH range is 5.5 to 6.5. Your cannabis plant's roots will struggle to absorb nutrients if your medium is overly acidic or alkaline, resulting in stunted growth and even nutritional deficiencies. Highly acidic soil can also promote the establishment of fungal infections, which can quickly destroy your plants. While knowing the soil pH level for cannabis might be difficult to grasp, it is essential for cultivating healthy plants. This article will cover all you require to understand the best soil pH for cannabis and how to get it right while growing.

An overview of soil pH for cannabis plants

The cannabis soil pH chart scale has a range between 0 and 14. pH 0 is extremely acidic, whereas pH 14 is extremely alkaline. pH 7 is in the middle, neither alkaline nor acidic. Thus, pH 7 is defined as neutral. Extremely acidic or alkaline environments can highly damage plant cells and tissue. As a result, many biological processes occur at neutral pH values.

Best pH for cannabis soil

When cultivating your plants, the best soil pH for cannabis is normally around 6-7. For optimal mineral or nutrient absorption by cannabis roots, a slightly acidic soil pH level for cannabis is desired. Cannabis plants flourish on damp, nutrient-rich soil with a slightly acidic pH in the wild. pH for cannabis range may need to be much more acidic when cultivated in other methods or systems such as hydroponics. Water pH for cannabis is normally in the range of 5.6 - 5.8 when grown in hydroponics.

The importance of pH for cannabis plants

The power of hydrogen, or pH, is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of aqueous solutions. Maintaining optimum pH for cannabis with watering cannabis and feeding is one of the most important aspects of production. Cannabis is not a picky plant, but it does have expectations. Among these is a restricted pH window in which it may absorb nutrients required for its continued development.

Preventing nutrient lockout in cannabis

Nutrient lockout happens when plants cannot absorb essential components from their surroundings. The adverse effects are similar to nutrient insufficiency and reduce overall plant health. Two factors mostly cause this problem:

  • Oversaturation with nute solutions, particularly ones containing a lot of salt.

  • Inadequate pH cannabis levels.

You save money on fertilizers

You may buy the highest-quality fertilizers on the market and watch your crops wither without the ideal pH for cannabis. As a general rule, always begin by optimizing the base conditions.

Only introduce additional aspects until the fundamentals are as good as they can be. That way, your hard-earned money isn't wasted on nutrients your crop would never use.

Optimizing plant health

A cannabis plant can only survive if it receives good micro, macro, and trace nutrients. It gets starved when it spends too long in acidic or alkaline soil or water, which inhibits development and reduces the lush foliage promised by the seed pack. As a result, maintaining the perfect pH for cannabis is a critical element of long-term gardening success.

The benefits of maintaining the perfect pH for cannabis

The advantages of caring for and regulating the pH of your plants are clear; you'll have healthier plants that develop more vigorously and, as a result, produce greater harvests. You'll also guarantee that the time and money you spent fertilizing your plants was worthwhile. You can ensure that your plants can absorb all the nutrients you provide by regularly testing the pH of your growing medium. Additionally, you'll be able to detect any pH imbalances early on, lowering your chance of cannabis deficiencies later on in your grow.

The issue with pH imbalances

One of the most prevalent causes of nutritional deficits in cannabis plants is pH imbalance. Cannabis plants can only absorb specific nutrients within a narrow pH range. If the pH of the medium falls below or beyond that recommended range, the plants cannot absorb nutrients in their fertilizers. They will begin to show indications of pH burn or nutritional deficiency.

The ideal pH for cannabis level for each medium

The pH level of acidity and alkalinity is a 14-point scale. The middle point is neutral and contains liquids such as pure water. Everything below 7 is acidic, and everything over 7 is alkaline. Cannabis does not thrive in perfectly neutral environments. Cannabis originates in wild areas where the soil is somewhat below the neutral point on the scale. Therefore, the proper pH for cannabis is relatively acidic.


The ideal pH for cannabis in soil should be between 6.0 and 7.0 on the scale. Cannabis is at ease in such environments, allowing it to live and develop. The acidity of soil varies depending on the type. Generally:

  1. The pH of sandy soil and loam is somewhat lower.

  2. Clay has higher alkalinity.

Additionally, natural outdoor gardeners that plant directly in their gardens will receive a bonus. The decaying leaves, branches, and living creatures make it acidic, resulting in the best pH for cannabis soil.


Hydroponic cultivation makes it much easier to modify the growing environment. Only acidity must be considered, not origins or chemical makeup. Cannabis grown in water should have a slightly lower pH than cannabis grown in soil. A level between 5.5 and 6.5 is good.

Other soilless mediums

Hydro is one of many soilless solutions that simplify the growing process. Coco coir and peat moss also allow you more control over the quality of your media. These methods, like hydroponics, need a higher level of acidity. Keep the pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

How to measure pH for cannabis

Measuring the levels regularly and consistently is an excellent gardening technique that allows you to prevent any potential problems. Here are the two most popular and easily accessible methods:

Using drops

A pH measuring kit with drops is a low-cost, manual method for testing cannabis pH levels. Color-changing drops or strips change appearance depending on the pH level. The result is then compared to a colored cannabis pH chart to establish where you stand. Drops are mostly utilized in hydroponics, but the water you feed your soil-based plants also impacts pH levels. Here’s what you require to do:

  1. Pour a small water sample into your test tube.

  2. Add several drops of your pH fluid.

  3. Watch for the color shift and compare the result to the cannabis pH chart.

Using a digital pH meter

Digital pens are easy equipment for determining the pH cannabis. They have a screen that reads the accurate number when activated, making them more precise than the manual solution. Here is what to do:

  1. Dip the right end into the water.

  2. Read the outcome from the display.

How to adjust pH levels for cannabis

Adjusting pH cannabis levels is a simple affair, whether the number requires to go up or down. Here are some simple solutions for soil and hydro.

Note: The hydro option also applies to watering soil-based cannabis crops.

How to increase pH

If the medium becomes too acidic, it's crucial to get it back up to speed. The method varies depending on the media. Either instance, you'll need to add something alkaline to balance things out.

  1. Soil: To boost the pH for cannabis in soil, add organic materials like bone meal or crushed oyster shells. For extreme acidity, dolomite lime and hardwood ash are more effective.

  2. Watering and hydro: Pour a pH Up solution containing potassium hydroxide or carbonate into your medium. As a rule of thumb, pour about 2-4 mL per gallon of water, and examine the levels before adding more.

How to decrease pH

If your medium becomes more neutral or alkaline, it's time to lower it. Again, it's a different matter with soil and hydro, but higher acidity is the goal.

  1. Soil: There are several organic solutions for lowering the pH cannabis in soil. For milder imbalances, compost, cottonseed meal, and mold perform wonders. Sawdust and wood chops are more effective treatments for larger problems.

  2. Watering and hydro: A pH Down product containing phosphoric acid increases acidity in hydro settings. Because this option is stronger than pH Up, keep it at 1 ml per gallon. Always double-check your measurements before adding more.

Growing organic and pH levels for cannabis

Organic cannabis cultivation yields higher-quality cannabis. It also simplifies the work of controlling the pH levels of cannabis. Organic farming prevents using artificial nutrients, which frequently cause salt accumulation and nutrient lockout. Nonchemical products operate on a different principle, promoting the growth of beneficial microbes in your growing media. Compost, worm castings, or bone meal provide a breeding environment for bacteria and fungi that make the soil suitable for plant growth. It's worth noting that going organic reduces part of the trouble of monitoring and changing the pH cannabis. You should still test it if you find a deficit in your crops.

The connection between foliar feeding cannabis and pH

Foliar feeding cannabis entails spraying a liquid mixture straight onto your plants' leaves. The combination might be a fertilizer or an insecticide. Instead of relying on the roots, foliar feeding provides nutrients to your plant through its leaves. Decent cannabis should have a pH foliar spray of 5.7 and no more than 500 PPM/EC.

pH for cannabis veg

Learning about pH cannabis guarantees that your efforts do not go to waste. It lays a solid basis for gardening success and makes each subsequent step 10 times simpler. Checking and adjusting pH cannabis levels takes little time and effort, but it greatly impacts your plants. Now that you understand the fundamentals, put your knowledge to use to increase your chances of success and reap enormous, healthy harvests.

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