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Cannabis Plant Resilience

by Premium Cultivars 07 Feb 2025
Cannabis Plant Resilience

Cannabis cultivation is not like tomato production in that you cannot simply plant a seed in the soil on a windowsill and expect to produce buds in a few months. Several publications on the internet outline the most acceptable methods for growing cannabis at home, including the best grow lights, soil and watering routines. Despite emphasizing measures to protect pot plants from pests and stress, cannabis plants are tough to destroy. While prolonged stress might lower bud output or increase the possibility of developing nasty cannabis, quick bursts of stress are no match for a robust cannabis plant. Furthermore, specific stress can actually promote growth and cannabis synthesis, as we will see in a moment.

Understanding cannabis resilience

Though there are optimum growing conditions for cannabis plants, they are remarkably resistant to environmental stresses such as damage and temperature variations. For example, while the ideal temperature for growing cannabis is between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit; they can recover from excessive heat by watering them liberally, protecting them from prolonged heat, and feeding them a little seaweed extract to boost nutrient uptake that is obstructed when a water source runs dry.

Cold temperatures cause additional stress on cannabis plants. When pot plants freeze, the water inside the plant walls freezes, damaging the cells within. Though a little frost is a cause for concern, the damage will be modest if the plant can slowly thaw out, and a light trimming of dead leaves and stems will bring it back. However, if the plant is subjected to severe cold, the damage may be too harsh to recover from. Pre-frosting your plants with a cloth or a temporary greenhouse will help protect them from injury or shock.

Note: Some cannabis plants are more resilient to stress than others. It's critical to learn each plant's appropriate growing conditions and tolerance level before obtaining cannabis seeds online or clones from a reliable dispensary.

How cannabis plants adapt to the environment

We know that various strains are adapted to different climates and that their growth patterns reflect this. For instance, Indica strains arose from the changeable environment of the Hindu Kush mountain region. Consequently, these strains have modified their growth patterns to fit the requirements of their surroundings; smaller plants with shorter grow cycles helped guarantee that these plants matured despite the coming cold season. Sativa-type strains that emerged in more temperate climates near the equator adapted their growing habits to handle the longer, hotter summers by growing very large and frequently producing fluffy buds that span the length of their lengthy stems. As a result, Sativa strains are better suited to hot temperatures but may struggle in cooler, wetter settings.

How resilient are cannabis plants?

Additionally, cannabis generates seeds as a survival tactic; when stressed, the plant may become hermaphroditic (female plants that generate seeds). In a harsh situation that is not beneficial to its survival, developing seeds ensures that its descendants will carry on its heritage. When trimmed or controlled utilizing the SCROG training method, she may also generate more trichomes or additional colors to shield herself from the sun or strong UV-B rays, and she will grow more colas.

How does cannabis stress boost cannabinoid creation?

The SCROG technique guides plants as they develop through a succession of screens to optimize light exposure and is one of the most frequent methods gardeners utilize controlled stress to boost plant productivity. Cannabis plants are encouraged to develop more stems, eventually generating colas and, hence, more blooming buds by increasing light exposure in the center. You may also achieve this effect by bending the main stem to the side or topping the main stem during the vegetative stage, providing the plant is healthy and has four to five nodes. Topping the plant causes it to grow two new nodes right below the incision, resulting in a bushier plant and a greater crop.

Another typical method for encouraging cannabinoid and terpene synthesis in cannabis is to expose the plants to UV-B lights after flowering for two to three weeks. Because UV-B rays are so harsh (they induce sunburn in humans), exposing cannabis plants to this sort of light at the appropriate time promotes the creation of terpenes and cannabinoids, which function as a natural sunscreen for the plant. Trichomes assist in reflecting light off the leaves and generate a terpene cloud in high temperatures to cool the plant organically. Growers may enhance trichome production without harming the plant by applying UV-B light at precisely the right moment throughout the bloom cycle. Lowering the temperature in the grow chamber a few degrees at night can have a similar effect due to the inherent insulating property of the trichomes.

Types of negative stress on cannabis plants

The cannabis plant is resilient, yet it is nevertheless vulnerable to stress. Cannabis plant development can be hampered when stresses are applied. Stress may hinder the growth of cannabis plants, which is one of the ways it impacts them. When a plant is stressed, it will frequently cease developing or grow at a considerably slower rate. This can be harmful to the plant's general health and lead to lower yields. Another way stress affects cannabis plants is that it causes them to produce lower-quality buds. When a plant is stressed, it frequently produces smaller, weaker buds. This may be a significant issue for producers attempting to produce high-quality cannabis. When a plant is stressed, its leaves and stems frequently become weaker. This makes the plant more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Light stress

It goes without saying that cannabis plants require light to grow. They need a lot of light. But what happens if the plants are exposed to too much light? This is referred to as light stress. Light stress is a phenomenon that occurs when cannabis plants are exposed to excessive amounts of light. The plant's leaves will turn yellow and cease to grow. Light stress may be fatal if left uncontrolled.

Heat stress

Heat stress is a phenomenon that occurs when plants are overheated. Plants can die as a result of stress. Heat stress can have varying impacts depending on the degree and length of the exposure. Also, heat stress can cause leaves to wilt and blooms to drop prematurely in rare situations. In more challenging conditions, it can turn the leaves yellow or brown and stain the blooms. Heat stress can completely destroy plants in the most severe circumstances.

Water stress

Water stress can create various issues for cannabis plants, including slowed development, diminished growth, and yellowing leaves. Plants that are water-stressed are more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Water stress can potentially be fatal in severe circumstances. Water stress is a primary concern for cannabis cultivation. How does water stress impact cannabis plants, and how may it be mitigated? Water stress can produce issues for cannabis plants, such as delayed development, diminished growth, and fading leaves. Plants that are water-stressed are more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Water stress can potentially be fatal in severe circumstances.

Nutrient stress

Nutrient stress occurs when cannabis plants do not have access to all of the nutrients they require to grow and thrive. The most prevalent causes of nutritional stress in cannabis plants are nutrient shortages and imbalances. However, other causes, including heat stress, drought, and over-watering, can cause nutritional stress. One of the initial things to realize about nutritional stress is that it may appear in a variety of forms. For example, leaves may fade or curl, plants may grow slowly, and buds may not form properly. These are possible indicators that your plants are suffering from nutritional stress. There are a few things that producers should be aware of when it comes to nutrient stress and cannabis plants:

  • Identify nutritional stress in their plants.

  • They must understand how various forms of nutritional stress might affect cannabis plants.

  • They must devise a strategy for dealing with nutritional stress in their grow operation.

When it comes to cannabis stress, most cultivators feel that keeping it to a minimum is ideal (this goes for both plants and animals). However, a little stress may be advantageous since it boosts resilience and production. Though stressed plants should constantly be monitored and cared for, cannabis is resilient and can thrive in (carefully controlled) high-stress environments.

Frequently asked questions about cannabis resilience

Can cannabis plants thrive after freezing?

Pot plants can withstand a moderate frost, but the deeper the freeze, the more severe the damage. Moreover, it's always worth checking to see whether your plant can recover; you will be shocked by what it can withstand.

Are strains impacted by their growing location?

Different varieties of cannabis will grow better in other regions and will be stressed by unfamiliar elements (such as humidity or heat). Sativa does better in hotter areas, and Indica does better in colder locations, but the hybridization of so many cannabis strains means that each will have its own distinct optimal growing circumstances.

Will cannabis plants die if you don't water them?

Cannabis, like any other plant, cannot go too long without water, although it may recover after a dry spell. Inadequate watering can stress the plant, affecting bud quality and trichome production.

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